Stay constantly cool in a heat wave…
…with GEA Farm Technologies
The quicker you can cool your milk the better quality you’ll get and the more energy you’ll save. ConstantFlow, the new variable speed milk pump from GEA Farm Technologies, uses intelligent software to determine the rates of milk flow into and out of the milk receiver.
ConstantFlow is a variable speed milk pump that ensures the flow of milk through the heat exchanger is as slow and as constant as possible. This enables the heat exchanger to extract as much heat out of the milk before it is delivered to the bulk milk tank.
Having a lower milk delivery temperature results in significantly reduced energy costs, furthermore fast cooling of the milk restricts bacterial growth helping to maximise milk quality.
Commercial Manager at GEA Farm Technologies, David Wenner, said: “ConstantFlow calculates the desired milk pump speed, avoiding the need to “panic and pump” at unnecessarily high speeds which wastes precooling energy-saving capacity. Multi-speed milk pumps without this intelligent control cannot respond to the fluctuations in milk flow that normally occur during milking and will not therefore achieve the precooling efficiencies that are possible with ConstantFlow.
“ConstantFlow has other benefits too as it’s suitable for most dairy systems, is easy to install and requires no service maintenance.”
For more information call us on 01563 532111 or send us an email.